Monday, 13 June 2011

Deadly Reunion

About nine years ago, I went on a Dr Who acting holiday in the French Alps with five other Dr Who fans who wanted to learn more about acting. Since then, we've created a production company called Megropolis One, recorded numerous sci and fantasy audio plays and done a few films. Our film locations have included my flat, Tintagle, Berkhamstead Castle, the Albert Embankment and a certain police box outside Earls Court.

We hadn't seen each other in about five years so we had a reunion over this past weekend. Five out of six of us made it and we had a great time on Friday evening reminiscing about the past. On Saturday, four of us went to a Big Finish Day in Barking. (Big Finish are a production company who do Dr Who related audio plays with past Doctors and companions.) Fun was had. I've finally managed to get Sarah Sutton's autograph. She plays Nyssa, one of my favourite companions because she's intelligent and caring. Then I accidently bamboozled her with a question during a panel session about an audio play she recorded five years ago. No-one (myself included) could remember the character I was talking about. Ho hum.

I also met with two of my past directors. John Gillet directed me in a duologue showcase way back in 1997 and Miles Richardson directed our first Megropolis One film. I met Caroline Munroe. We talked about Dracula 1972 AD. I also met Colin Baker, the Sixth Doctor himself and we talked about Twitter. It was very easy to spend lots of money on filling gaps in my Big Finish collection. Finally, I said hello to Sophie Aldred, (Ace). She was one of the tutors on the French Alps acting holiday. Nick Briggs was a witty MC for the panel sessions and I got his autograph as well. I had a really good time, despite the rain. Happy days.

A smiling Bunyip.