Friday, 10 December 2010


Wow, its been cold, hasn't it? London seems to have escaped the worst of the snow. I saw what it was like in Newcastle when I went up for a much missed relative's funeral. We were driving along the Whitely Bay coast to the crematorum with snow flurrying around us and all we could see was white and grey everywhere.

The past six weeks have been insanely busy with a major work event and Sinders is a Gay rehearsal and press night. I've done about 75% of my Christmas shopping. Still need to get pressies for my Dad and my brother in law. Meanwhile, this all important question has been occupying my mind....

What do I want for Christmas? Erm.... (Discounting the obvious wishes that my family and friends remain healthy next year, world peace ect....)

1, Stephen Kings latest book.
2, Tickets to see as many of the Shakespeare plays at the Camden Roundhouse as possible.
3, A patchwork quilt to snuggle up in.
4, A part in Torchwood, Dr Who, True Blood, (yes, I know we're now in the realms of fantasy here. So what!)
5, A day at a spa.
6, A trip to San Francisco or New Orleans. (Fantasy again, I know. Can't really afford these.)
7, Chocolate!
8, Money to go mad in Monsoon with!
9, A way of getting out of the Civil Service straight into an acting or digital media career with minimum loss of income. (Just seen a flying pig zoom past!)
10, Some good sex would be nice. (Just seen a squadron of flying pigs fly past the window in formation!)

Anyway, something tells me I won't get all of these. So, I'll just settle for a happy, stress-free Christmas:)

Take care,

A wistful Bunyip x

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